Sunday 13 November 2011

World Population

Very recently, the world was celebrating the new high of the population growth. The world population has increased many folds in past decades. In the last centuries man has controlled a lot of epidemics that was responsible of controlling the world population. Cholera, plague and such diseases were major cause of checking the abrupt growth of the population, but when man developed the vaccines for these killer diseases, there should have some policy devised to control the population, but it did not happened. The result is Population explosion. This affected most to the third world nations. This is because of mass illiteracy and negligence. There was already a population explosion before the government could even understand its impact. Also in many countries it was not exercised either because of the religious reasons or the government's indifferent attitude. In many countries this population is considered as vote bank. So no one even thinks of controlling this population.

There are many people who are, in one form or other, against the population control. They argue that the power to have children or not should rest with the individuals.  If this is accepted then the role of the government is nullified. If the people decide how many children they want then the government should also adopt the policy of providing free vaccines and maternity care only limited to the birth child. If the individual decides to have more children then either let him bear the cost or let nature play its role.

The question that is asked by many is whether the earth can bear the load of exploding population or not. This is not the proper question. The question is whether man has the authority to use all means to their benefit? Do the other living beings have the right to live or not? In the past two centuries world has already lost some species and is on the verge of loosing other due to exploitation or invading their habitats.

World organizations and the developed countries give aid for vaccines and food without any say in the population. It may be because of the business needs but they should understand that this is going to affect them one day. The correct procedure should be to extending help only to the governments who promise to implement the population policy and take measure to control it.

In the theory of Population, Malthus has stated that if humans do not control the population by themselves then the nature does control the population which is very painful. Hence the human must take measures to control the population and all families in the world should stick to the one child policy till the population of the world is reduced substantially.

Saturday 22 October 2011

Death of a Legend

I was surfing the net when I got the shocking news. Gazal legend Jagjit Singh passed away. I did not know how to react. Jagjit Singh was gifted with such a rich voice that would leave lifelong impression on the listeners.
Born in 1941, Jagjit Singh came to Mumbai  to test his fate in film industry but nothing much happened till HMV gave him a break. After this people from the film industry started to feel his presence. He became very popular in a very short time among the gazal lovers. He also made his mark thru wonderful delivery of gazals by Kaifi Azami in ‘Arth” and other movies. His very popular film song s include ‘Hoonto se chu lo tum’ and Tum itna jo muskura rahe ho’.  One of his famous gazals include ‘ Yeh Daulat bhi le lo Yeh shohrat bhi le lo’ which is based on the memory of childhood, and how the poet thinks that childhood has no equivalence. It is the most precious period of one’s life.
After demise of her son in 1990, Chitra Singh, wife and singer stopped singing and Jagjit singh had to go alone for rest of his carrier. He kept on singing best after best gazals, pouring  the pain of life experiences.
Jagjit Singh is no more in his earthly body but he will always be alive thru his wounderful singing , wonderful voice and wonderful collections.  It will be very difficult to fill the gap in gazal singing, if not impossible, for years  to come.

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Religion does not divide

Right from childhood I was taught that religion teaches harmony. It does not divide. I accepted as it was taught but when I grew up I found that this is probably the greatest lie. It is actually the religion which divides the world, the country and the region.Many countries we just divided because there were more than one religion. Looks like religion has a supermacy over country and region.
History is witness that one religion had a hatered towards others, thru the followers of that religion. Every religion says that their religion is supreme, and the holy wars are fought in the name of religion. History tells us about the war of Crusaders, which was fought for more than 500 years. A lot of Hindus and Jews were killed because they refused to convert to the religion of invaders. These invaders distroyed a lot of valuable knowledge and artifacts of one civilization without even wasting a second for thought.

All the religion preaches that God is one then why we are divided? Is it because the religion is different or rituals are different. Do we think that the common man is so intelligent that he will understand the basic concept of religion? When the clerics spit fire to boost their followers against other humans do they ever think about the universality of religion. I think the sanskrit word "Dharma" has no equivalency in the world. Dharma means the latent nature. Like the Dharma of fire is to Burn. The dharma of man is to be merciful, honest, kind not only to the fellow humans but also to the fellow living beings. It is the dharma of man not to take more than one's need from the nature. Dharma is Universal. My dharma should not only be applicable to me but to others in the same way. If sorrow and grief brings tears to my eyes, will do so to others' eye too. If my hunger is satisfied by food so will yours. This is the universality of Dharma. God has made only one Dharma. All the men, I would say all the living creatures, feels the sorrow, joy, satisfaction and lust the same way. All the creatures feel the comfort and discomfort the same way. Then why we discriminate the others on the basis of the origin or the rituals of the other religion.

Life can not be monotonous. And we won't even like it if it is so. you will not feel joy if you never had sorrow. You will never feel the value of money if you have never seen the poverty. Here comes the law of coexistence. Even in nature, every creature, despite their size shape and capacity, has contributed to the evolution.

It looks that the basic nature of the man is divisive. If he will not find other religion to fight, he will fight among his own religion, on the basis of sects, castes, place or way of worship.

We think and believe that the modren man is very intelligent and progressive, but what I find in practice that the man has never changed. He still follows the instructions and books from the people who never had a proper education ever. I do not think those old people were wiser than present humans. If they were, they would have made computer, cars, or at least a pen to write those books. But no they had no idea about this. Their teaching may be good at that time but not in present era.The entire earth is now becoming like a village. Humans are moving from one place to other, from one country to other. Then why we still carry our nature of discrimination and having blind faith on the books that were written centuries ago.